07 July 2011


We're going to start today off with a photograph of me:

Now then. While driving home last night I had a neighbor whip out of her driveway without looking.  I wasn't driving very fast.  I didn't have to lock 'em up or anything.  But as she swerves around me I give a quick toot of my horn.  Apparently Kittie threw her hands up in the air or something...I can't say for sure if she did or not because I didn't see it.

I drive up to the next block, turn on our street, and then into our driveway.  As we climb out of the car this woman comes to a screeching halt at the foot of our drive, rolls her window down and screams, "What is wrong with you? What is wrong with your passenger throwing her hands up at me?" I saw red INSTANTLY. Without thinking I retort with, "Ya know what....just watch when yer backing out of your driveway and stuff like that won't happen. Better yet, get killed."  She flipped me off and drove away.

I was in the state of Cat Hiss for the rest of the night. (I must give credit where credit is due. Hub is acutely aware of the moment Cat Hiss arrives...he can see the bitch-face from a mile away....and was sweet and considerate and didn't attempt to add to it....even though I'm sure he wanted to beat me with a stick.)

It wasn't until this morning that I started to examine my behavior.  I freely admit that Wrath is my most beloved and favorite deadly sin. But perhaps it's time to rein that in.  Didn't set a terrific example for Kittie by telling this person to 'get killed'.  Yay me.

So today is day ONE of seeing how long I can go without Cat Hiss.

If you want to start betting how long this will last by all means do so. I'm at peace with that for sure.

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