01 July 2011

Your Password Sucks

I have noticed that all sites that require you to create a username and password now judge "Password Strength".

I'm big on the acronym password.  But I like to make them the longest acronyms possible.  I recently praised myself for the password Iasfsatohtcapjtbafpos! Which of course is an acronym for "I am so fucking sick and tired of having to create a password just to buy a fucking pair of shoes!"   While I was busy praising myself the website told me my password was only of medium strength.  WTF?

I use all encrypted passwords at work...which I keep straight using an acronym passworded spreadsheet.

A co-worker of mine once called me from out of town and said, "Hey yank such and such off my computer and email it to me."

"Ok," I say, sitting as his computer....which is locked.  "What's your password?"

"Don't you know it," he asks.

Seriously, I think......why would I know this information? It's a PASSWORD thus making your computer secure. "No. Why the hell would I know your password?"

"I just thought you had everyone's passwords."

"Unless you physically came and gave it to me I wouldn't know it.  Office Manager does not also equal clairvoyant."

"Right.  My password is 'clownpenis'."

"WHAT? That sucks. Why is that your WORK COMPUTER PASSWORD?"

"No one can guess it."

"I should hope not!" And I'm scarred for life.

I guess I should be glad it wasn't 1234.

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