14 June 2011

And then . . .

Well, she pressured me into it. She knows who she is.  I've rejoined the blogging world.

Do I have anything to say that will be interesting? Maybe. Do I have any sparkly bits of information or thoughts that will make you a better person? Doubtful. But I will do my best to entertain.

The whole idea behind the title of the blog is me trying to find peace. Peace with myself. Peace with this world. It's a tall order. I'm not sure if I'll be able to achieve either. But we'll try. But know this....I'm not always polite and I curse (a lot) so if you are too tender then away with you.

I do not have peace with the cost of toiletries. This weekend's shopping excursion ended with the somewhat chipper check-out girl proclaiming, "Your total is $389." What? The pile of snacks for a teenager + friends aside, I scan the mile long receipt and run a tally in my head. Over $100 of the bill was from the frigging toiletries portion of the store.

Having two menstruating females in the house is stupidly expensive. Three boxes of lady stuff is over $20...too bad the cash isn't very absorbent. I'd save myself the time and use a fiver in my undies instead.

Also, I want to know what in the hell is inside body wash that it should cost $9.99. I actually took the lid off and looked for flakes of gold. Ok so pick a cheaper brand, you say. Right. I'll save myself even more money and just use fucking lemon scented Ajax dish liquid. That'll be awesome on the loofah.

Toilet paper, which I'm going to do unspeakable things with, costs more than last two pairs of flip flops I bought and the flops are going to last WAY longer. The alternative I suppose is to use a wash rag but I could never talk myself into tossing that repugnant mess into my washing machine. Not without having to replace the machine directly after.

Alas....we all smell good and are wiped with a puffy cloud.

So, maybe I'm at peace with the $100 after all.

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